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‘It is a pity is it not, Willy, that young William isn’t here to see this, it would make him so proud.’ Young William Astor aged seventeen, was in Sydney attending his final year at boarding school along with other sons of rural gentry. The distance from family was accepted by these young scions of the country as an integral part of their future that consisted of boarding school followed by a sea voyage to the ‘Old Country’, England that is, where they would attend either Oxford or Cambridge to further their education, or become part of London debauchery, also to further their education. Either way they were expected to return to the family property with an education, and/or a wife acquired through family connections from a wealthy country family. What they were not supposed to bring home with them was a wife from the more disreputable sections of England, such as an actress or musical hall artiste, usually accompanied by a dose of ‘Vicar’s Dilemma’, the inevitable consequence of. " Hansen shrugged. "I called the Sheriff." Okay," Tina nodded. "Thank you, Deputy. You've been a real help."After spending the morning talking to Fiddler and going through the official reports, the last thirty minutes with Hansen hadn't given her anything new. The boy wasn't lying and he was too dumb to be involved in anything more serious than extorting free donuts from the coffee shop. The person she really needed to talk to was Helen and get the original of that file she'd faxed Mahoney's office. But before Tina could do that, she needed the sheriff out of the office.Unfortunately, Fiddler seemed more than content to baby-sit Vasquez, sitting behind his desk and trying to look busy while he watched her with his beady little eyes. Tina wondered just how nervous the man might be. She went back to the desk Fiddler had put at the Ranger's disposal and Tina looked through the reports and her notes slowly.There were always clues and after a few minutes Tina found one, or at least another.
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