Teen Dream. porn video

"What possible affect could two people have upon an entire world?" he asked. "It's an impossible undertaking!"Zeus chuckled, and the building shook. "Have faith in our abilities, mortal. Have faith in your own, as well. One small snowflake may begin an avalanche. One small drop of rain at a time may erode a mountain, over eons. We do not expect to see any results from your actions for quite some time. You will both be dust, before the slightest deviation in this plane's path occurs. You are to be the snowflakes that begin our avalanche, and your actions are to be as the raindrops of time!"Will was still shaking his head as Zeus evaporated. When he was gone, they looked at each other and laughed.Carrie got control of herself first, and quipped, "You know what this means, don't you?" Beats the hell out of me," Will answered.Carrie barely controlled her mirth as she blurted "We can fuck like rabbits without worrying about killin' ourselves!"Will smiled. "There is that, I suppose. Looks. Now you can just lie back and enjoy it. Isn't that what Dad did, when he built that patio at the back of the house? He spent several weekends working on it, now when he's home, he just sits out there and enjoys it. And that's what you're doing too, Mom. You spent a lot of time and effort, raising me to manhood. And now that I'm a man, why shouldn't you have me in bed with you, giving you pleasure?"Irma chuckled. "You're going to make a wonderful lawyer. The way you talk, you make everything come out just the way you want it. But that doesn't change anything, doesn't change what your father would do, if he caught you in bed with me." That's true," said Richard easily. "That's just the way Dad is. I can understand him getting sore when one of his so-called friends makes a pass at you, letting you know he wants to fuck you. But with me it's different. I'm part of the family. Dad doesn't mind me taking the car when he's not using it. Why should he object to me fucking you, when he's not.
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