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I have a packet of information to read and three weeks to make a decision. Meanwhile, I’m on paid leave and I have an appointment at the Senegal Consulate in the morning. If you want me to turn the job down, I will. If I accept, I’d like you to come with me.”Jerry looked at the two women, then resumed before they could speak.“Now for news that makes me sick. A man named Sam Morris was detained by the NYPD for taking pictures of me and the ambassadors at our meeting. He works for Club Erotes. Do you know him?”“Yes,” said Julie.“He was a doorman at the club but is one of Jake's slaves now. The club’s policy is that no subs or slaves of members can be security. It avoids favoritism.”Jerry nodded.“I gave them Jake’s name as someone who might have a beef with me. So, tomorrow after work, go to the savate club. I’m increasing your lessons. You’ve both done very well but I want you to have more skill to defend yourselves.”They both nodded.“Jerry, we love you and we would never ask you to. The new purchases were very tight dresses. Janice was in a blue backless number with a keyhole exposing the middle of her chest, leaving narrow strips of fabric to meagerly cover her tits. In back, it dropped so low that the top of her ass was exposed, giving a tantalizing view of her crack. It was deliciously slutty, unlike the stereotypical view of a workman’s pants revealing the same part of his anatomy.From behind, Janice could easily be mistaken for being topless, since her straight brunette hair just managed to hide the halter neck of her dress. Ally wore red. Her plunging neck made her tits easy access, which I tested for efficiency. There was nothing to stop frisky hands from grabbing her.In addition to the dresses, they both had new heels with ankle straps: Janice in white, Ally in red to match her dress. I commented on white and ankle straps being more slutty than usual. She thanked me (which I love about her), but Janice said the straps were to make sure they do not come.
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