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I have to go back to be Chris again. Ihave to talk to Theresa; I work there later today. How can? do all thatin a week?"She did look at me with her usual slightly amused or ironical way; Inever could tell for sure those days what it was, and said, "Please doslow down sweetie, don't get overexcited, it's not such a big thing, Ialready spoke to Theresa. So, pour yourself a cup of coffee and sit downand I will explain everything."As I sat down with a steaming mug in my hands, I realized that I hadspelt some coffee on my white apron. I was about to undo it and go andchange to a clean one, but she stopped me with her hand, "No need to dothat now, let me finish first because I have to rush to the University.Tomorrow is the day that I submit my dissertation so there is lots todo." Yes Madam," I said still looking at my apron in an annoyed way."Well, here is the plan," Pat started as she had another sip of hercoffee. "Let's start with the practical issues. You will of course travelwith your. “I can’t believe this,” Wayne finally said, “you willfully became involved with a 17 year old.”“Age of consent in Georgia is 16,” I reminded him.Now Wayne’s face flushed red.“Don’t quote the law to ME,” he said, rather angrily, “I was Sheriff while you were still wearing diapers. We are lawmen and held to a higher standard than civilians.”He turned even redder.I couldn’t help but remember all the times we had gone fishing at his cabin on Lake Lanier.From almost the first day at the department, Wayne had been not just my boss, but also my friend. In fact, one of my best friends.“I will not apologize for becoming involved with Deena,” I told him. “I am sorry for disappointing you, but I am not sorry for falling in love with Deena.”He looked at me for a minute or two before finally nodding his head.“What’s done is done,” he said. Then to my surprise he held out his hand and offered congratulations on my engagement.“I am still not happy that you would become involved with someone so much.
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