Malay Couple Homemade. porn video

"It appear's Patti is getting way excited by wearing these's making 'her' very wet!" She said to Kim with a laugh, thenshe quickly wiped the pre-cum onto her sissy's lips. Afterwards she heldhis hands by his sides and forced him to use his tounge to lick up hisown cum. While this was happening Kim was stuffing the cups of his brawith tissue so that he had a respectable bustline. "Patti really needshis own set of titties...we may have to put him on hormones so he canstart growing his little girl nips soon." They made the feminized manstand in front of them while they picked through the remaining things Kimhad brought into the room.Patti stood blushing a bright red as several dresses and a couple ofskirts were held up in front of him. Kim, you were such a femmy littlething wearing these frilly clothes a few years ago. What were you, ten oreleven years old when you wore this stuff? Patti is going to look like anadorable little ten year old girl in your cast-offs," Mary. is impossible!" Shinji exclaimed in Asuka's voice "Thiscan't happen!" Oh believe it Shinji," she smiled devilishly, "Were girls exist. It'ssomething Misato never told you about me. Maybe because your baka brainwouldn't process the concept."Shinji couldn't believe what he was hearing, "Weregirl?"Asuka however had an air of confidence like she wasn't joking, "I have agene that can make anyone I bite into copies of me, both in persona andappearance. You're not the first baka I've bitten, though in my opinion, Ithink this is a much better trade off to your other body, don't youthink?"In disbelief, Shinji processed the information, but at the word'apperance' he knew that the changes were not going to stop at his face.If he didn't stop this, his whole body would become like Asuka...even downthere. But the word 'pesona' also feared him. Already he was saying thingshe'd not normally say. How far would it go? Would he forget himself? Washe going to be stuck like this, forever?.
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