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More to the point we are the flavour of the month with the MoD, and we fully intend to exploit that.”Sir John broke in, “As you are aware Flight Lieutenant, the war in Afghanistan is a ground war fought in the main by ground troops. Whilst we know the RAF is involved in it, it doesn’t get much recognition for its efforts. We intend to redress that to our advantage.”“I see Sir,” said Robert meekly but not really understanding.“By the way Robbie” said Alan, “We are withdrawing the Harrier from Afghanistan, it’s a good aircraft but it was never intended for the role it’s had to play out there.”“What do you think is the best ground support aircraft we have out there?” Asked Sir John, directing his question to Robert.“The Apache attack helicopter” said Robert without any hesitation, he went on, “With its Longbow radar and target systems, not to mention its weapons array it’s the most cost effective, clinical means of targeting the Taliban we have.”“What do you mean by cost effective?” Sir. She is 5'9", 120 pounds, and 36-25-37 with flaming red hair and bright green eyes that melt your insides when you look into them.I lost my nice guy status just over three months ago when Candy, my brother Jim and I were at a party. Jim is a volunteer fireman and his beeper went off halfway through the party. He asked me to see that Candy got home ok and then he took off - his red and blue lights flashing. When the party broke up I helped Candy, who was feeling no pain, out to my car and propped her up on the passengers side. When I turned out of the driveway Candy slumped toward me and I saw something that I had not noticed before - she had no bra on and the way she was slumped exposed one absolutely marvelous tit. I got an instant 'woody'. By the time I'd made several turns she was lying across the seat with her cheek resting on my hardon. I'm sorry, but I could not resist the temptation - I fished out my cock and let it bang against her face while I used my right hand to caress her.
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